Home > Rescue Centres > Dogs > Pawprints Dog Rescue

Pawprints Dog Rescue

Centre Location

c/o Dunsmore Kennels & Cattery
A45 London Road
Warwickshire CV23 9HX

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About Information

About Us

Pawprints dog rescue, rescue stay dogs along with assisting owners searching for their lost or stolen dogs.

Pawprints Dog Rescue actively assisted owners in searching for their lost or stolen dogs and were allowed access to local pounds to help reunite strays with their loving owners.

They  quickly realised that less than half of the strays were being reunited and to their horror found that many were being euthanized These were healthy, social, happy dogs that had done nothing wrong – they had simply lost their way home or had been abandoned by their owners.

As of October 2011, they began finding rescue spaces and transporting these strays around the country to give them a chance of survival and of finding new families to care for them.  

Centre Opening Times

Not Available