I only have 2 Japanese quail forsale,I had 18 hatch out now have 2 left to go to a new home they are ready now,they will be 3week old on Tuesday 4th aug.
.They were born on Tuesday July 14th.
They have lost their baby feathers and growing their new adult feathers.
They would normally need a heat lamp till aged 5weeks,but in this weather they should be fine without heat lamp but must be at room temperature with no drafts.They can go outside from 6weeks old.
They eat chick crumb till age 6weeks,from 4weeks old I mix chicken mixed corn and layers pellets in with the crumb then from age 6weeks the don’t need the crumb anymore and they have oyster shell grit from 6weeks but not mixed in with their food,it’s in a separate bowl.
They can go into any type of box from now till they move outside at 6weeks old into a rabbit hatch with run,newspaper in the bottom of cage with dawdust and hay in the rabbit hidy bit.
I won’t be able to tell if male of female till aged 5/6weeks the males crow and the female s don’t.
Females will lay eggs from aged 7/8weeks and they lay them everyday they are the size of an olive.
They will lay eggs weather they have males or no males.
If you have a male in with the female then you will get fertile eggs from brought 10days after your female starts laying.you can eat all eggs fertile or not they taste the same.
They make lovely pets.
Price is for both of them,they need to go together as they can’t live alone.